Sermons 2013

 Online links to read, compare, listen to the Bible.



  Sermon Title
 click on link where recorded

 David Pennie

 John 1:1-20


 David Pennie
 Ruth Roberts


 Christmas Gift

 Jan Ellis

 Luke 2:8-24,
 Matt 2:1-11


 David Pennie

 9 Readings

 Carols by Candlelight

 Roger Taylor

 Luke 1:26-38,
 Matt 1:18-25

 God's Bridge

 David Pennie

 Luke 1:5-25

 Advent Messy Church 
 Zachariah & Elizabeth

 John Boyers

 Mark 5:21-43

 Following In Faith

 Richard Chewter

 Luke 7:36-50

 Jesus Looked And Saw Differently

 David Ronco

 Luke 18:1-14

 Perserverance & Pretence

 Graham Hall

 Prov 8:10-11

 Marks of a Healthy Church - pdf
 Doing The Right Things Well

 Jan Ellis

 Matt 8:1-17

 Marks of a Healthy Church - pdf
 Makes Room For All

 Jan Ellis

 Exodus 18:13-27

 Marks of a Healthy Church - pdf
 Change And Growth

 Linda Nichols

 Eph 4:1-16

 Marks of a Healthy Church - pdf
 Church as a Community

 Jan Ellis

 Luke 10:38-11:13

 Marks of a Healthy Church - pdf
 Seeking To Find Out What God Wants 

 David Pennie

 1 Cor. 12:12-27

 Messy Church 
 One Body Many Parts
Healthy Body Healthy Soul

 Mark McAllister

 Micah 6:1-8

 Act Justly, Love Mercy,
 Walk Humbly With God

 Robin Sanderson

 Acts 5:12-42

 Going Public
 Speak Up - Salt & Light

 Tricia Bastable
 John Way

 Psalm 139:1-12

 Watford Schools Trust
 1 - Two Builders
 2 - Work of WST
 3 - God Knows All We Do

 Martyn Hedges

 Isaiah 1:10-20

 Meaningless Sacrifices

 Jan Ellis

 Luke 10:25-37

 Marks of a Healthy Church - doc, pdf
 Outward Looking Focus 

 David Pennie

 + Ruth Testimony

 Messy Church
 Good News Journies: Paul in Acts

 Graham Hall

 Hebrews 11

 Marks Of A Healthy Churchdoc, pdf
 Inspired By Faith

 Bernie Wheeler

 Acts 16:16-40

 Prayer & Praise - Evangelism

 David Ronco

 Psalm 84

 A Pilgrim's Song

 Gareth Morris

 Genesis 43-44

 Testing Times
 Growing to Maturity

 Jan Ellis

 Acts 2:41-42

 Community - One Another

 Jan & Ruth

 Psalm 8

 Messy Church - loving the world

 Graham  Clarke

 Acts 16:16-35

 Every Contact Leaves A Trace

 Linda Nichols

 Acts 3


 Jan Ellis


 Where's Your Frontline? Work
 & Witness  
Mark Green LICC


 Acts 2:41-47

 Missions Update



 Ministry from Marilyn Baker
Tracy Williamson

 Jacqueline Gray

 Acts 2:14-41

 Let The Holy Spirit Flow Through Us

 Jan Ellis

 Acts 2:1-13

 Pentecost - The Holy Spirit Comes

 Linda Nichols

 Acts 1:12-26

 Commissioned To Continue Jesus' Work

 David Pennie

 Acts 1:1-14

 Intro - Following Jesus

Jan Ruth Chris

 Luke 10:25-37

 Messy Church - Loving Neighbours
 Good Samaritan

Graham Hall

 Luke 24:1-12

 The Resurrection

 David Ronco

 Luke 24:30-49

 Scars To Prove

 Martyn Hedges

 Luke 24

 Road To Emmaus
 4 mins lost in middle

 David Pennie

 Luke 23:44-24:12

 It's Friday but Sunday's coming!

 Linda Nichols

 Luke (various)

 Holy Week

 Jan Ellis

 Luke 5:12-16

 Touching The Unclean

 Bernie Wheeler

 Luke 8:40-56

 Jesus Heals


 Luke 11:1-13

 The Challenge Of Prayer

 Jonathan Boyers

 Luke 7:1-10


 David Pennie

 Luke 5:17-26

 Messy Church Jesus
- Friendship & forgiveness

 David Pennie

 Luke 5:1-16, 27-9

 Take Time With God

 Mark McAllister

 Luke 4:14-44

 Jesus - Our Role Model

 David Ronco

 Luke 4:1-13

 Defining Moments

 David Pennie

 Luke 1:1-4, 3:

 Luke's Map & compass for the Journey

 Jan Ellis

  2 Cor 5:17

 Who Am I In Christ?

 Graham Hall

 Psalm 8,
 John 1:1-14
