Sermons 2012





 David Pennie

 From the daily office 
see link

 Celtic Daily Prayer
 End of Year Reflections

 Jan Ellis


 Christmas Day

 David Pennie

 Luke 2

 Messy Church Christmas

 2012-12-16 pm
 Daniel Harrison

 Christmas Readings

 Carol Service

 2012-12-16 am
 Bernie Wheeler

 Matt 1:1-17

 God Works Through All People

 Martyn Hedges

 Isaiah 52:13-53:12

 God's Righteous Servant

 Daniel Harrison

 Psalm 23

 Do Not Worry

 Jan Ellis

 Luke 1:26-38

 God At Work

 Peter Laws

 Mark 6:1-13

 Dealing With Rejection

 Bernie Wheeler

 Judges 6:1-40


 John Boyers

 Mark 1:1-13

 The Wilderness

 David Pennie

 John 8:12

 Messy Church - Light

 Geoff Colmer

 Matt 19:27-20:16


 Robin Sanderson

 Philipians 1:3-11

 What Really Matters?

 Daniel Harrison

 Isaiah 43:1-13

 Do Not Worry

 Martyn Hedges

 James 3:1-12

 Taming The Tongue

 Dave Pennie

 Matthew 28:16-20

 1, 2, BMS Thirsty Video, 4

 Robin Sanderson

 Ephesians 6:10-24

 7 of 7
 Stand Firm In God's Strength

 Bernie Wheeler

 Ephesians 5:21-6:9

 6 of 7 Christian Relationships

 Graham Hall

 Ephesians 4:17-5:20

 5 of 7 Christian Lifestyle
 no recording

 Gareth Morris

 Heb 11

 Abraham - Man Of Faith

 Jan Ellis


 Messy Church - Moses

 Jan Ellis

 Ephesians 4:1-16

 4 of 7 Team SJR

 Linda Nichols

 Ephesians 3

 3 of 7 No recording

 David Dodewell


 Holiday Club "On Your Marks"

 Daniel Harrison

 Ephesians 2

 2 of 7 No recording

 Bernie Wheeler

 Ephesians 1

 1of 7 Ephesians God's Church
 Community Of Believers


 CAW at the Bandstand

 Pass On The Baton

 Robin Sanderson

 John 3:16

 Discipleship - Christ like

 David Pennie

 Genesis 37-50

Messy Church - Joseph 

 Martyn Hedges

 Ezek 37:15-28

 A Covenant Peace

 Robert Willougby

 Psalm 100

 Let's Talk About God

 Jan Ellis

 Acts 2:42-47

 Fellowship - Pastoral Care

 Daniel Harrison

 John 14:15-31

 The Holy Spirit: Is there More?

 Peter Laws

 Matt 5:43-48

 Loving Our Enemies

 Bernie Wheeler

 Luke 14:15-24, 15:1-7

 Mission Not Marmite

 Ray Dupere


 The Trinity   
  1. In The Old Testament
  2. In The New Testament
  3. In A Believer's Experience 

 David Pennie

 Genesis 12-15

 Messy Church - 
 Abraham's Journey.

 Linda Nichols


 Wake Up! - Relating to God

 Graham Hall


 The Unrecognised Jesus

 Bernie Wheeler

 Matt 28:1-10

 Easter Sunday Jesus Is Alive!

Jan Ellis

 Isaiah 6

 Our Awesome God

 Martyn Hedges

 Jeremiah 31:27-34

 Covenant - Passover & Jesus

 Linda Nichols

 Titus - NT Wright

 No recording

 Dave Pennie


 Ministry - Shape

 Bernie Wheeler

 Heb 13:7-8; 10:19-25

 We Change. God Does Not.

 Stephen Harrison

 James 2:14-26

 Our World Is Waiting

 Stephen Harrison

 Eph 6:10-20

 Pushing Back The Darkness

 Stephen Harrison

 Hebrews 11

 Saying Yes To God

 Stephen Harrison

 Romans 8:31-39

 God Is For Us

 Daniel Harrison

 Luke 10:38-41


 Stephen Harrison

 1 Chr 29:10-20

 The One We Can Count On

 Jan Ellis


 Sharing & Testimonies