
Each Sunday we worship in the church at 10am and then move to the Hall for fellowship. If you are interested in joining us, please just turn up for a warm welcome or get in touch.

Pastor's page on facebook contains video recordings and thought for the day. Additional materials are available on youtube.


1st Weekend of month

Celebration Service with Communion

1cel10am in Church

5th Jan
2nd Feb


 Covenant Service

2nd Sunday of month
10am in Church
11am in Church Hall

Following our service in the Church:

Jimmy's Café is our outreach to the local community. It is open to everyone.2 - Cafe Church We have free tea and coffee and cakes for you to help yourself to and we would love to see you join us.

12th Jan
9th Feb



3rd Sunday of month
10am in Church


Prayer & PraisePrayer & Praise.
A time to worship God and pray.

19th Jan
16th Feb



4th Sunday of month
10am in Church


Discussion Groups is for everyone. We have free food and drink for breakfast.

26th Jan
23rd Feb 



5th Sunday of month
10am in Church





7pm in Church Hall


Craft Group fortnightly

10am in Church Hall


Toddler Group during School Term time.
Restricted to WD18 0.. postcode


Please click here for the on-line calendar of building usage.