Sermons 2017

 Online links to read, compare, listen to the Bible.



  Sermon Title
 click on link where recorded

 Linda Nichols


 Remembering what God has done

 Alice McDermott



 Alice McDermott



 Tim Wright

 John 1:6-28


 Alice McDermott

 Ps 85:1-13


 Alice McDermott





 Messy Church - Advent

 Stephen Copson


 At The Well

 Meg Atkin


 Overcoming Enemies Without Fighting

 Alice McDermott


 Lost & Found -
 The Elder Brother & Waiting Father

 Alice McDermott


 Lost & Found -
 The Younger Brother & Waiting Father

 Alice McDermott


 Lost & Found -
 Sheep & Coin

 Colin Pye


 Stepping Out

 Graham Hall


 Creation, Conservation, Stewardship, Sustainability
 Sermon notes: pdf

 Geoff Colmer


 God Seeks Us to Offer Life



 Messy Church - The Ten Virgins - Light

 Alice McDermott


 Paul's Prayers - Passion for God in Prayer

 Alice McDermott


 Paul's Prayers - The Need for Prayer



 Jimmy's Cafe Church

 Alice McDermott

 1 Thes

 Paul's Prayers - Seek God's Involvement

 Alice McDermott


 Paul's Prayers - prayer

 David Ronco

 Ps 121

 Safe  Journey

 Jan Ellis


 Paul's Prayers - The Need For Prayer

 Alice McDermott

 Col 1:9-14

 Paul's Prayers - 

 Alice McDermott

 2 Thes

 Paul's Prayers - Seek to be like Jesus



 Messy Church

 Gareth Morris


 Responding to the trials of life

 Alice McDermott


 Paul's Prayers - God is Sovereign

 Dr Dave Gregory


 What's in a Name?

 Ruth Bottoms


 Snakes and Doves

 Alice McDermott


 Choose Life

 Alice McDermott


 A God Who Welcomes

 Alice McDermott


 God's Servant



 Messy Church - The Lost Son

 Jan Ellis

 Is 49

 Light to the World

 Alice McDermott


 God's Servant

 Alice McDermott


 Comfort As God's Spring Comes

 Matt Penny


 Chris Moffat: Work of YMCA
 Matt Penny: Attitude of True Fasting

 Alice McDermott


 Resurrection - Fake News or Good News?

 Alice McDermott


 Cries To The Lord Of Spring

 Alice McDermott


 A New Shoot - Hope



 Messy Church

 Alice McDermott

 Isaiah 2

 New Spring

 Jan Ellis

 Psalm 29

 Our God

 Alice McDermott


 Creation - Sabbath

 Alice McDermott


 Our Place In Creation
 Sermon handout

 Graham Hall


 Creation - Faith & Science
 Sermon Notes

 Alice McDermott


 Creation - An Act Of Love

 John Boyers


 Sports Chaplaincy UK:
 25 Years
 The Future



 Messy Church - Samuel, Samuel

 Alice McDermott


 Don't Wait For Perfection



 The Prayer of Faith

 Alice McDermott


 Beginning Again

 Alice McDermott


 Jesus Crucified