Sermons 2020

 Online links to read, compare, listen to the Bible.



  Sermon Title
 click on link where recorded

 27 Dec


 Looking Forward - prayer and sharing

 25 Dec


 Christmas Day

 20 Dec


 Carols by Candlelight

 13 Dec
 Alasdair Nicoll

 2 Peter 3:8-14

 God is coming

 6 Dec
 Linda Nichols

 Isaiah 40:1-11


 29 Nov
 Carol Murray

 Isaiah 64:1-9
 Mark 13:24-37

 Fresh Beginnings

 22 Nov
 Bernie Wheeler

 Ps 62

 Trust - Out of Stock?

 15 Nov
 Fiona Penny

 John 1:15-18


 8 Nov
 Linda Nichols


 Fruitfulness (part 2)

 1 Nov
 Linda Nichols

 Ps 34:1-10,22

 Fruitfulness (part 1)

 25 Oct
 Bob Little

 3 John

 Imitate what is Good

 18 Oct
 Bill Allan

 Psalm 11

 If the Foundations are Destroyed  

 11 Oct
 Bob Little

 Hosea 11:1-11

 Made by God

 4 Oct
 Alasdiar Nicoll

 Phil 1:1-11

 Keeping Strong in the Faith

 27 Sept
 Linda Nichols

 Luke 5:1-6

 Father's Love
 See: Father's Love Letter

 20 Sept
 Shayla Merivale

 Num 21:4-9,
 John 3:13-17


 13 Sept
 David Ronco

 Matt 13:24-30,

 Weed Free?

 6 Sept
 Colin Pye

 Psalm 42

 How is your Soul?

 30 Aug
 Colin Heath

 Eccl 3

 Three Strands to a Balance Spiritual Life

 23 Aug
 Jan Ellis

 Rom 12:1-2

 God In Our Everyday

 16 Aug
 Gareth Morris

 Rom 8:28-39

 The train of faith -
 Who's pulling your train?

 2 Aug
 Martyn Hedges

 John 3:16

 Outrageous Love

 Covid19 &

 No Services

 Fellowship on Zoom

 31 May
 Alice McDermott

 Heb 10:19-25

 Together We Grow

 24 May
 Alice McDermott

 Col 3:15-17

 Whatever We Do

 17 May
 Alice McDermott

 Gen 28:10-17

 Wherever we are

 10 May
 Alice McDermott

 1 Pet 1:1-2

 We are Scattered

 3 May
 Alice McDermott

 Matt 7:13-29

 Which Way?

 26 April
 Alice McDermott

 Matt 7:6-12

Sermon On The Mount
Loyalty to God, not worldly powers

 19 April
 Alice McDermott

 Matt 7:1-5

Sermon On The Mount 
Forgoing Judgement for Forgiveness

 12 April
 Alice McDermott

 Matt 28:1-10,
 Jer 31:1-6

Easter Sunday

 5 April
 Alice McDermott

 Ps 118:1-2,

Psalm Sunday
Praise In Crisis

 29 March
 Alice McDermott

 Matt 6:19-34

Sermon On The Mount
Investing In God's Kingdom

 22 March
 Alice McDermott

 Rom 12:10-13

Mothering Sunday
Devotion and Service

 20 March


Messy Church

 13 March
 Peter Laws

 Neh 2:1-8

Making our Vision a Reality

 1 March
 Alice McDermott

 Mat 6:1-18

Sermon On The Mount
The Prayer of Jesus

 23 February
 Alice McDermott

 Mat 5:33-48

Sermon On The Mount
Truth & Love 

16 February
 Alice McDermott

Mat 5:17-32

Sermon On The Mount
Fulfilment, Reconciliation & Covenant

 9 February


Cafe Church

 2 February
 Alice McDermott

Matt 5:3-16

Sermon On The Mount
The Beatitudes 2

 26 January
 Alice McDermott

Matt 5:3-12

Sermon On The Mount
The Beatitudes 1, pdf handout

 19 January
 Alice McDermott

Matt 5:3,10;
6:33; 7:21

Sermon On The Mount
Enjoying God's Reign, pdf handout

 12 January


Messy Church

 5 January
 Alice McDermott

Matt 5:1,2
Matt 7:28-29
Sermon On The Mount
Seeking God's Presence